Monday, October 13, 2008

Nope, she's not prego, but c'mon! Pickles and Ice cream? Seriously!

So the other day, Megs and I had the wonderful chance to take care of my siblings while my mother and father were out on their billionth anniversary.  We'd had dinner at the Price's home but Megs didn't eat a thing.  She said she wasn't in the mood or not hungry or something to that effect.  I did my best to get her to eat, but she wouldn't.  
Back at the house, we were all talking and hanging out when she found a jar of pickles.  I guess they sounded good, because that was all she would eat!  I offered dish after dish and she didn't want it, but pickles just sounded so yummy to her (I know, it makes no sense at all).  So while she nibbled away, I went to the freezer and got myself a sorbet (you know, the kind you get at costco in which the bowl is the actual fruit.  If you've never had it, I highly recommend it!)  So I got Meygen a coconut sorbet for her desert, and she loved it as much as I loved my pineapple one, but within minutes, she was down for the count.  She was so down that I took her back to the apartment to rest while I took care of the kids at my parents house.  
What's the good part about this whole event?  Meygen finally got a good night's rest after some long days of hard work, and no, Meygen is not pregnant even though Pickles and Ice Cream are quite an odd couple when you're hungry.  If it were me, I'd just opt for some Tide or gummy bear covered pizza or something... *wink*

1 comment:

All About Austins said...

Ya know...Pickles and Ice cream does not sound ALL that bad somedays...