Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Airport

July 7, 2011 - 

 Because I have the best husband in the world... he didn't mind that Rowynne and I took off for a couple of weeks and flew down to see my family in San Diego. I knew it was probably going to be the last time that I would get a chance to see them for some time so I decided to leave the hubby at home and spend some time with my family. Cory would have loved to come but with starting a new job and all he wasn't able to take the time off. So Rowynne and I packed up our stuff and headed to the Airport. Rowynne has been on a plane before but back then she was only a few months old... so this was the first plane ride that Rowynne was big enough to cause me worry for the flight! 

But she did great! She did take a major poop half way through the flight, thank goodness its only a couple hours long. So I say sorry to all those around me who had to smell her.... but other than that she was an angel baby. Not saying that it was easy... because believe me it wasn't. However she didn't really fuss and I was able to keep her occupied with my tons of goodies I brought to keep her busy. A nice old lady even commented that she couldn't believe how good she was on the plane.... SMILE! 

Rowynne wearing her cool backpack leash... Yes thats right I made her wear a leash. 
It was scary to me to do it all alone, I didn't want her running off in the big Airport. 

 Rowynne loved watching the planes go by....

My big girl.... She is 14 Months Old! 

We made it to San Diego it one piece! But next time I would really like it if Cory came along! 

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