Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Volleyball, GO RB!

One of the first things we did during our trip to San Diego was finally see one of the Rancho Bernardo Volleyball games. Both Trey and Tarren are on the team and they (being the walking giants that they are) play very well! It was really fun to watch them battle it out and there were a few really awesome rallies that got the whole crowd riled up. Trey got most the game time since he was voted MVP this year and we are all hoping and praying he gets a scholarship to BYU so he can play up here and lay waste upon the other college teams!

Gettin' ready for a serve

Tarren on the bench

Got the shot just after a block

Go team go!

As you can tell, Marley really loved the game! What she really enjoyed though was me chasing her around the court and outside. I was just hoping she didn't get nailed by a big white ball.

She'd just keep running away...
Of course, who doesn't love a good chase?

Check out some of the in game action.

- Cory

1 comment:

Jessie said...

Your brothers have grown up so much! Great pictures, btw. They're so crisp and bright.