Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Horses, Horses, and More Horses!

Cousin Monica had a bunch of horses so a few of us decided they were going to ride them.
 You'll never guess who? Baby Marley and Gillian! 

Marley on her first horse ride with Uncle Tarren helping her along. She is so darn cute! 

Gillian was our other Horse rider and she hadn't been on a horse probably since she was in high school. It was a sight to see.  The process of getting herself up there was also quite hilarious, she had us all rolling on the ground laughing. 

Almost Up.....

Struggling to get herself righted....

Finally Mom and Baby on the Horse together! 
Gillian and Marley

He's locked and loaded ladies.... Cory referred to this as his "holster"!
 Cory became the unofficial carrier of everything baby,  he is actually rather good at it. He was often left carrying around the huge diaper bag or holding onto the always needed bottle.  
He is going to be such a great Daddy some day! 

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