Friday, February 25, 2011

Kitchen Fun

 February 17, 2011 -

We had some fun in the kitchen. Rowynne is now at the stage where she follows me around EVERYWHERE! And I mean everywhere, if I leave a room its not long after when I see her crawling right behind me. It's the worst in the kitchen when I'm trying to make dinner.... or clean. She loves the dishwasher, if its open she goes right to it and starts pulling everything out.... or any other cupboard that has been left open. So sometimes to keep her busy we give her kitchen toys. This time it was her very own drum set with her wooden spoons and formula can. This kept her busy for quite some time!


  Playing her drums...... 

After her drum session... she went on to finish that up with a good cry under the chair. I'm really not even sure why she was so mad... but it probably didn't help that I was taking pictures! Sorry Row! 
All around good fun! 


1 comment:

sierrasister Kathy said...
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