Monday, November 29, 2010


November 21, 2010 - 

Rowynne is getting so big so fast, she has started her big girl foods and this was her first GREEN BEANS! I guess Green Beans are a lot different from her usual Oatmeal and Rice cereal they weren't really her favorite. She was making some really funny faces and even gagging when she wouldn't swallow them. It was super funny... I can't wait to try more baby food! Maybe next time she will like it more than Green Beans. 

 First Bite.... 

 Not to sure about it... 

 Then comes the Gagging...

And refusing to swallow.... 


sierrasister Kathy said...

Too funny! Hint: if you want her to eat vegetables, don't give her candy -- the comparison is a hands down winner for the C-A-N-D-Y! <:^))

The Ivins said...

Well she didn't actually eat the candy cane.. it was still in the wrapper! But i still don't think Green Beans is a favorite!