Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Baby Day- October 27th, 2011

October 27, 2011 - 

  October 27th was a big day for our family, we brought into this world our second baby girl Kynnedi! 
It was a very special day! 

I (Meygen) was scheduled for an Induction on the 27th... everyone said that she was going to come before hand but Kynnedi waited till the last moment so we gave her a little help in joining the world.  I was excited for my induction, Rowynne had also been induced so I was used to the idea. It's nice to know when exactly that baby is coming so you can prepare a little more. Cory and I were waiting the morning of the 27th for that phone call from the Hospital saying that it was our turn to come in. They made us wait... till 10:30 which was like agony to me, with Rowynne we knew by 7:00 in the morning. It was hard to wait not knowing whether it was going to be the day or if they would make us wait. 

We got to the hospital by 11:00 and I was filled with butterflies. Even though this was my second baby and I knew what to expect this time I was still nervous about going through the whole process again. 

 Mommy's last picture with Kynnedi inside her tummy. 
39 Weeks 

After I had my IV in and had the Pitocin in my system the countdown had begun. My doctor had assured my that the second time around would be a much quicker labor than the first. I had hoped he would be right. It seemed at first like I had a slow start, my contractions were small and I wasn't dilating very fast. It seemed like I might be there for a while! After my progress was still very slow my doctor upped my Pitocin levels.. my nurse kept saying that I was having weak contractions and they were hoping that with the higher dose of Pitocin my contractions would become more intense and would start actually doing the job. Unfortunately they didn't my doctor ended up increasing my Pitocin a second time... and still not much difference. They put me on an internal contraction monitor so that they could accuratley determine how strong my contractions were. It was funny how all of us in the delivery room were glued to that screen. I was glad I had so many people in the room to keep my company; my sister Gillian, Lynnette, and Robyn and even my Mom was there through the computer on skype. 

After what seemed like forever... The Doctor said that it was time to push. I have to say that I was totally surprised, the contraction monitor had never really shown that I was having hardcore contractions, we all thought that I was still progressing slowly. It all seemed to happen very fast, nurses came rushing in all kinds of monitors for the baby were all the sudden in the room. I was seriously in denial that it was all happening so fast. Lucky for me the fast continued... I pushed a total of 4 times and Kynnedi was out. Even writing about it now I still can't believe that it happened so fast. After pushing for two hours with Rowynne I just assumed Kynnedi would be something similar. I never thought that my whole delivery would happen in less than 10 minutes. I hope that all my future children will be just as easy. 

Kynnedi Ivins 
9 lb 20 1/2 inches 
Born at 8:22 PM -  October 27, 2011 

Kynnedi was one of the biggest babies born in the hospital that night. She was more than a pound bigger than Rowynne was. It was funny to see her in the nursery with all the other babies and her looking so huge next to them.  Kynnedi was so different from Rowynne she came out with light colored hair, the nurse even thought she might be strawberry blonde and I finally got a little one with blue eyes.  Cory got his little mini me with Kynnedi. It's amazing how different Rowynne and Kynnedi are, it will be fun to watch them grow up and change together. 

Mommy and Kynnedi's  first moments. 

 Daddy finally gets to hold Kynnedi for the first time. SOOOO Happy! 

So glad that this perfect little spirit is finally with us. She was definitely not planned but I'm so glad that she is with us. We love her so much and are happy to finally be able to take her home!

Welcome Home Kynnedi

1 comment:

Jessie said...

Congratulations!!! What a sweet baby girl!