Friday, March 20, 2009

Horse Shoes, Worlds, and Kites......

At Seaport Village they had these really cool sculptures and different cool things. All around the whole area where these different Worlds, each had a theme on how to save the Earth. Some of the worlds were about saving energy and eating organic food. They were all really cool. Our favorite was this big world that was covered in yarn, it was about saving energy through heating, instead just wear a SWEATER! LoL!

Us in front of the horse shoes... Again I have no idea what it was for. But Cory really like it and demanded that we get a picture with it. So we did. :) 

Here are some of the big Earth balls that lined Seaport village. They were everywhere! 

Cory and I in front of another Earth Ball! I can't remember what this one's theme was. 

Trey and Tarren decided to fly the little girls kites. It was sort of funny these big giant people playing with little fairy kites. But it was fun to watch. Tarren kept trying to get his fairy stuck in a tree, but Malia was glad that he didn't succeed. 

Picnic at Seaport Village

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