Monday, July 6, 2009

Musical Fun

Music... Music... Music...

So I went to San Diego a few weeks ago mainly to see my mom perform in her choir. The choir is the Orange County version of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, so its a big deal! It was there big summer concert and boy was it awesome. The concert was in this really crazy looking building... it almost looked like a wave it was cool. The theme of the concert was "America", so they did a lot of traditional songs, but they really are an amazing group. I will be excited when they get there professional CD put out so that you all can hear how truly talented this group of  individuals is. My mom is an amazing singer and it was so great to hear her in musical element. I love listening to my moms voice. She really is an inspiration, I often wished that my musical talent was as great as hers. 

It was so great to hear them sing and the arrangements of so many traditional songs were just incredible. You really could feel the talents just bursting out of that room. My mom even made me cry when they sang a long lost verse of "Love at Home", I got a little teary. It was beautiful. I hope that I can hear them sing once again soon! 

 The Concert Hall

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