Thursday, February 9, 2012

Christmas in California

December 26, 2011 - 

    So as soon as we were done with our Christmas activities in Utah we got in the car packed up the girls and headed to California. We arrived in San Diego very early in the morning and immediately handed babies to Nana and headed to sleep. After Mommy and Daddy had re-cooperated from the long drive we had more Christmas.  My family actually waited till we arrived to have Christmas, it was so fun to able to spend "Christmas" with both Cory's family and mine. I wish every year could be like this. 

 Family Christmas Tree... Covered in presents. 
You could barely walk past the tree without stepping on presents. 

This year we drew names for all the siblings for a present exchange.   Cory got Trey and I got Tarren. 
 Trey opening his present from Cory.... He got a knife! 

 Tarren got a Quesadilla maker from Meygen
He wouldn't tell me what he wanted... So I got a little goofy! He used to ask for one back in high school but I thought he was more joking than serious. So since he wasn't specific this year... He got one! 

 Cory was so excited.... As you can tell by his facial expression! 
Gillian got Cory in the draw and had been bragging for weeks how she got him the best present ever. And boy was she right!  It was some light for the car... magnetic! He can put it anywhere while he works on the car! He loved it! 

 Kynnedi of course slept through most of the festivities

 Rowynne trying out her Present from Papa.... Another stroller! 

 I can't remember why she was frowning at me! But I thought it was too funny not to post! 
 Gotta love Marley and her crazy antics! 

 Finally the sleeping baby awakes! 

 Auntie Gillian and Rowynne

Merry Christmas for the Second Time! 

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