Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Hospital Fun

We spent two days with the wonderful people at the Women's Center at Alta View Hospital. All of my nurses were so nice and everyone treated us so great. I don't think I had one bad thing to say about the experience. My favorite nurse Cathy even brought me a Coke after the delivery. It was my one request.... after not being able to eat or drink anything for over 15 hours I needed one badly.

The hospital we delivered at does a special dinner for the mom and spouse the last night you are in the hospital. They brought in this cute little table and we got to eat steak and have chocolate cheese cake it was all so good. Way better than the stuff that I had been getting from the cafeteria the other day.
Our last meal in the hospital!

Because Cory is the best husband ever, he brought be an edible bouquet. It was all chocolate dipped strawberries. So yummy and the best treat after you just had a baby!

This was Cory's bed for two days. He toughed it out in the crappy fold out chair/bed. In fact the second night Cory squeezed into my hospital bed. In fact at one point Cory was in bed and I was sitting in the chair when the Nurse came in and she asked "whose blood pressure she was taking" Cory had no become the patient instead of me. It was fun!
Our beautiful baby girl

1 comment:

sierrasister Kathy said...

that is too funny that Cory was in the bed and Meygen was in the chair...