Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Little Feet and Hands

Rowynne has been such a blessing in our lives. At first it was weird having another person in the house. But now I couldn't imagine our home without her here. I am so grateful to know that she belongs to me... forever. I love Rowynne more than words can describe.  And I love all her little hands and feet, they are so tiny and precious, they remind me of how fragile this little spirit is. I love being Rowynne's mother, there is nothing else that I would rather do. I know that I still have far to go and much to learn but I'm so glad that Heavenly Father has given me this little spirit to do it with. I love everything that comes with being Rowynne's mother and can't wait for more little ones to join her. Well.... maybe I can wait a little while! LOL!

Little Feet

And Hands

1 comment:

Jessie said...

I am obsessed with Jed's little hands and feet too! Great last picture.