Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Late Nights

When Rowynne was born Cory got to stay home for a week and it was so nice to have him home for a little while, but soon after he had to go back to work. And since Cory was still working the 5:30 AM shift I was trying to let Daddy have as much sleep as he could get. Which meant that me and Rowynne would get up and go to the living room any time she woke up in the night to feed. Needless to say we had alot of late night parties in the living room... about every 2 hours. Sometimes when we woke up to feed Rowynne wouldn't go back to sleep right away so we would hang out till she went back to bed. Rowynne and I had alot of one on one time because of this. Most of the time she would just stare and look around but it was still fun. The joys of Motherhood! 



Tyler said...

Face #1 is a Cory face if I've ever seen one.

The Ivins said...

Thanks a lot Tyler, you had to pick the Grouch face! -Cory